The Secret Life of Groceries: The Dark Miracle of the American Supermarket by Benjamin Lorr
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This was an interesting behind-the-scenes look at what makes grocery stores tick in the U.S. The book could have benefited from more connections among the various parts - I feel like I understand some of the parts better but not the whole - but I did enjoy reading about the origins of modern grocery stores and the dark underbelly of modern supply chains. On the whole, not as much fun as a Mary Roach book but still worthwhile for those like me who like to dig deep into topics.
(And my vast apologies to all of those on the waitlist for this title after me at the public library. I am embarrassingly overdue with this book, thanks to a rush of books unexpectedly all being available at once, but I was determined to finish it!)
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