Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Wrapping up a semester...

It’s the last week of graduate school classes for this semester, and I am reflecting back on my experience.  While it has been a weird semester of online learning for my middle school students, I confess that the virtual learning experience has been business as usual for me!  When you are attending an online program, virtual learning is nothing new!

Even so, Information Technologies for the School Library Program has been a class that has pushed me to expand my technological boundaries.  When I think about information technologies, I am my own worst enemy because (a) I am someone becoming a certified librarian because I love books, not technology, and (b) I have a fantastic ITS partner at my school, which makes it easy for me to say “not my job.”  

HOWEVER, I also love learning, and I am passionate about anything that will help my students become lifelong readers!  As a result, I tried to approach even topics outside my wheelhouse with an open mind and an attitude of inquiry (and the clear understanding that just because something isn’t my job NOW doesn’t mean it won’t be in the FUTURE).

My key take-away from the semester: 

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Not in a braggy way but in a “wow, this is fun and I can do this” way!  This class reminded me not to get too stuck in my bookish ways but to embrace new ways of learning and growing as a reader!

Specifically, I have learned how easy it is to use a variety of technological tools to build interest in reading, library programming, and the library as space as well as to support the work of my fellow teachers.  Whether the tool is an engaging website full of information on the library or a padlet of racial diversity, equity, and inclusion resources, technology enriches the work that I do as a librarian, allowing me to expand the world of reading for more students.  So, bring on the technology!  I'm ready to learn more together with my fellow librarians, teacher colleagues, ITS, and students!

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